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Membership & Members Information
Membership Eligibility
"Full membership" of the club is available to council tax payers and their immediate relatives who live in the parish boundaries of Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh; Grinton; Ellerton Abbey; Marrick; Arkengarthdale and Melbecks. Application forms can be down-loaded from this web site and may be returned to the secretary by post or alternatively sent electronically to the web site.

Guest Day Ticket availability

Day ticket fishing is available at £ 10 per day. These can be purchased and collected at the following places upon presentation of a valid rod license:-

Black Bull Hotel, Reeth tel - 01748 884 213
The Bridge Inn, Grinton tel - 01748 884 224
The Post Office, Reeth DL11 6SE tel - 01748 884 201
Kings Head, Gunnerside tel - 01748 886 261
Upon completion of the days fishing, the ticket holder must notify the club secretary by email the details of the day’s catch returns including if any fish were retained.

Membership categories
The following membership categories exist.
  • Full member: £30 pa
  • Associate member: £40 pa (+£10 initial joining fee) Limited to 25 places only
  • Concessionary member (over 65): £20 pa
  • Youth (18-21): £10 pa
  • Junior (under18): Free
Visit our Downloads & Links page for RADAC Application forms

Club officials for the current season

Hon. President - Mr R.Porter [01748 884684]

Chairman - Mr B.Sedgwick [01748 884784] [07794 894085]

Vice Chairman - Mr M.Held [01539 823260]

Treasurer - Mr S.Clough [07800 981473]

Secretary - Mr S.McCormack [07912 695128]


Mr H.Adams

Mr S.Twyman

Mr C.Taylor

Mr M.Bell

Mr P.Lee

Mr N.Sivyer

All RADAC email contact should be to the RADAC Secretary at the following email address - secretary@radac.org or mail to - Any additional information or RADAC mail can be sent to - Mr S.McCormack, Elmsgate, Mill Hill Lane, Northallerton, DL6 1AP

Annual Presentations
The club awards various trophies annually for the following categories:-
Largest fish
Largest fish caught on fly
Women's trophy
Junior trophy
To qualify specimen fish must be weighed-in on the day caught and recorded at the Black Bull Hotel, Reeth.

RADAC Bulletin Board


• Subscriptions for the 2024 season are now due.
Subscriptions can now be paid by Direct Bank Transfer .
Barclays Bank Details as follows :
Sort Code: 20-25-29
Account Name: Reeth and District Angling Club
Account Number: 80284866
Please include name for identification

• BEAT MAPS - New PDF download of the official RADAC Beats has been added to the Downloads page which can also be found here.

• CATCH RETURNS - It is now a condition of our lease with the Gunnerside Estate that the club submit an annual catch return. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL RETURNS ARE SENT TO THE SECRETARY TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 2nd DECEMBER. As a minimum the club need to know how many fish you caught, how many your returned and the beat where they were caught. Other detail such as date caught, and size (length) would be useful too. Catch returns can be sent;
• MEMBERSHIP DURATION - It should be noted that membership starts on the 1st January and runs continuously for 12 months until 31st December; It is not coincident with the trout fishing season. Members are requested to ensure that they renew their membership punctually ASAP after New Years day.

• Associate membership is limited to 25 places and a waiting list is currently in operation.

• The season starts on 25th March and closes on September 30th.

• We strongly encourage catch & release but the size of any retained Trout shall not be less than 10” from the snout to the fork of the tail.

RADAC - Safety and Risk Management

It is a requirement of fishing on RADAC water’s that anglers read and accept this safety and risk management policy;

All anglers should be aware of the risks they face on the Club’s waters, and carry out their own assessment of the risks and take precautions to assure their own safety and that of other’s.

These risks include an assessment of the following;

  1. Paths and Banks; These may be uneven, unstable and slippery. Be especially aware of deep undercuts which can occur unexpectedly. Take care when traversing fields and river banks and be aware of the risks from animal burrows which can weaken surfaces and cause them to collapse underfoot.
  2. Drowning; The river is inherently dangerous with deep and fast flowing-stretches, buoyancy aids are recommended at all times.
  3. Walls and Fences; Dry stone walls and fences must only be crossed at approved access points using stiles and gates, but be aware that these may on occasion be in an unstable or poor condition. Walls are often unstable and should not be climbed whilst fences may also contain dangerously sharp barbed wire.
  4. Trees; Fishing under trees can be dangerous, be aware of loose or falling branches, especially so during windy conditions, and do not shelter under trees during stormy or electrical storm conditions.
  5. Plants; Some plants can represent a significant risk to health, most notably Giant Hogweed, whose sap can cause severe burning to the skin, always be vigilant take precautions whilst moving around the river bank.
  6. Wading;The river bed can be very uneven, rocky and slippery, resulting in a possible loss of balance, the use of a wading staff is strongly recommended at all times.
  7. River Levels; The Swale is a spate river and water levels can rise and fall rapidly and unpredictably, the awareness to ever-changing water conditions is absolutely essential.
  8. Power Lines; DO-NOT fish in the vicinity of power cables, fishing rods are highly efficient conductors of electricity and may cause arcing over long distances, resulting in a potentially fatal electric shock.
  9. Casting;
    • Anglers must show full consideration to others on the riverbank.
    • Public footpaths pass alongside many of our fishing waters so passers-by must be expected and avoided when casting.
    • It’s recommended that protective eye-wear and head-gear are worn when fishing.
    • Weighted flies can be difficult to control and should be cast with caution especially during windy conditions.
  10. Hooks & Flies; Are naturally sharp and can easily penetrate the skin causing injury from both puncture wounds and from the transmission of bacterial infection.
  11. Animals; All farm animals can on occasion be dangerous and should be avoided, especially so when accompanied by their young.
  12. Weil’s Disease; This is widely found in river water, never put wet fishing line or any other tackle that has been in the water, into your mouth.
  13. Sewage; There may be infection risks near sewage outfalls, wear waterproof plasters on any cuts or abrasions and never put wet fishing line or any other tackle that has been in the water, into your mouth.

Wherever possible, it is in an angler’s interests to fish with a companion and if not, to leave details of their plans, location and expected return time with someone who could raise an alarm.

As this document outlines, angling is an activity that has a number of inherent risks, as such the Club accepts no liability for any injury or damage that Angler’s suffer or cause.

Copyright RADAC. View the RADAC GDPR Statement here.