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RADAC Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Reeth & District Angling Club seeks to comply with the principles of the Data Protection Act of 2018, which establishes new standards for protecting general data in accordance with the UK GDPR, giving people more controls over the use of their data and providing them with new rights to move or delete personal data, which RADAC addresses in its policy, see items 1 ~ 14 below.

The Seven key principles of the UK GDPR are;

Lawfulness Fairness & Transparency, Purpose Limitation, Data Minimisation, Accuracy, Storage Limitation, Integrity & Confidentiality, Accountability.

  1. The club has access to lawfully acquired personal data from data holders, and it processes that data in a transparent manner.
  2. The policy provides protection to any kind of data it collects with the consent of the data subject, including names, phone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses, and more.
  3. The club will process the data only if and to the extent that;
    • It has gained the consent of the data holders.
    • The processing is necessary for the relationship of the parties.
    • The processing is necessary for compliance with any legal obligations.
    • The processing is to further a legitimate society interest.
    • It is necessary for the member’s benefit.
  4. The club collects information with the explicit consent of the data holders, and it uses it for the explicit, legitimate purposes set forth in this policy and for no other purpose.
  5. The club collects and processes personal data as accurately as possible.
  6. The club takes every measure reasonable and necessary to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the information being collected. It does not provide or allow unauthorised persons to access it.
  7. Data that is necessary to administer the club and is collected with free consent and for a legitimate purpose, will remain the club’s property, and the club will have the power to use that data legitimately.
  8. Personal data shall be retained by the club as long as is necessary, and it shall be deleted immediately after the need is over.
  9. Personal data may be disclosed to the club’s officers and committee, but this will be restricted and limited as far as is possible.
  10. Personal data may be disclosed to third parties such as background check companies, law enforcement agencies, and other authorities when a legitimate & legal request is made.
  11. The data subject has the right to ask for any data, referred to as a ‘subject access request’ (SAR), giving them the right to obtain a copy of their personal data which the club holds on record.
  12. In the event of a data breach, the club will notify the individual’s concerned, and if necessary, to the ICO within 72 hours of becoming aware of such a data breach.
  13. The Club will request members to update their personal data upon renewal of their annual membership, If members fail to do this, the Club will not be held responsible for any outdated information held.
  14. The club does not request or hold any ‘Special Category Data’.

For more information, please refer to; UK GDPR guidance and resources | ICO

Copyright RADAC. View the RADAC GDPR Statement here.